Death is the common denominator of human existence in this planet. Young and old, rich or poor and whatever color or race one may have, death is inevitable. Unlike the sunrise and sunset which are both predictable occurrences; death is the most unpredictable event in a human existence. One might say that an assassination or mercy killing could be a possible way to predict or arrange death, but I believe that an omnipotent power still has to decide when or when death is going to happen.

So, we’re settled once and for all that death is unpredictable.

I prepared a question that is less likely being tackled within the blogosphere and I hope that this blog will collect views about life after death.

Do you believe in life after death?


  1. I do believe in life after death. I believe in Heaven and Angels, but I also believe in ghosts. My goal in life is to live my life trying to figure it all out and to understand it all. I am determined to add quality research results before my time comes. I am also skeptical, because of so many fraudulent claims. Although I have seen strange things... things that totally baffled me, I haven't seen anything yet that I would tell people about as total proof. But what I did get was some awsome evp's under very tightly controlled conditions. Unfortunatly, I can't prove it to others, and all I have is the evp and my word. I became a member of The Southern Wisconsin Paranormal Research Group in hopes that I would be able to participate in the science side of life after death. I have a lot of great controlled scientific tests that I can't wait to implement... I hope I get that chance. I am still fairly new in the Group.

    I am trying to figure out how to upload my favorite evp off of audacity, into this blog. I am not having very good luck. I would love for you to hear it. But till I get it figured out... I guess you'll have to wait. The bad thing is, I know that it is real, but I can't prove that to you or anyone else.

    Here is the link to my blog:
    I am still working on the blog as I am still trying to figure how this site works.

    Here is a link to my Group:

    PS. If you or any of your readers have any advice for me on my blog, please feel free to voice your opinion or give your advice.

    Thank You and This is a good Blog Subject.

  2. Hello themyste,

    You can easily embed a html code within your blog to play your audio file to share to others. There are third party providers such as where you can upload your audios does have the functionality of having a built in player for mp3 files that you can embed to your blog or website.

    I hope to hear your audio upload too soon.

    Good luck!

  3. I had an encounter with Jesus Christ 34 years ago. I assure you HE is real. He changed my life totally. Best thing that could EVER happen to anyone. Walking with him 34 years has taught me that all he said is absolutely true.

  4. Nah.

    Soz. Just get on with your lives. It's the only one we get.

  5. Actually i do, it just seems that life is just a mire illusion without death, In which all we do is live for another day on and on until it comes. I guess all you have to do is survive.

  6. As a Christian, of course I do. Our lives are only temporary here and without Christ we would have no hope. I love the thought that someday I will see fellow believers!

  7. Yes, I believe that there is life after death, why not?

    By the way visit my blog too.


  8. Believing there's life after death is the affirmation that there is a Divine Power that created us. The other way around is quite simply saying that our existence in this little corner of the Milky Way is just a chance. As intelligent being (human being), I don't agree that man is here by chance.

    Just imagine the most beautiful and brilliant minds that this planet ever had? Isn't it surreal to think that they're but bunch dirt right now! I don't question other people for believing that way. It's always a matter of choice.

    Biblically speaking, life after death is the meaning of having Jesus in your life! It's the promise of what the bible is saying in John 3:16.

    Thank you for the previous comments. I already had quoted them on my testimonies during our bible studies. I hope to have someone explain convincingly (supported with evidences and facts), his belief about the afterlife (life after death).

  9. i don't know iffen i do or dont, just know what bess tells me, an shes always asayin bob you is gonna go to hell iffen you don't change you ways.
