Battling diabetes

Everybody seems to be vulnerable to this deadly disease nowadays. It seems usual to hear that someone got it or one of family members or relatives did have this incurable medical condition. Left for us to do after all is to control it. Ironically, it's really hard thing to do.

Sadly, few people I know who knew they have the disease continuously consume large amount of sugar. And, I think that’s really pathetic.

About eight years ago, I learned that I have a slightly high sugar level and that made me high risk to this deadly medical condition. I became aware about my sugar consumption ever since.

I really can’t say that I have already controlled my blood sugar level to an acceptable level – that will keep me away from taking maintenance medicine, and I am happy to say I’m not taking any. All I knew is that I can live comfortably without needing sugar every time I consume coffee.

I believe that most of us are trying to control our blood sugar to keep it within a normal level to avoid developing full-blown diabetes.

So how do you control your blood sugar?
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  1. diabetes strongly runs in my family and i am quiet worried with my sugar intake...i was used to taking 3 teaspoons of sugar in my coffee (small mug) beginning the last couple of weeks..i sized it down to 2 teaspoons+sweetener then 2 tsps..then 1 tsp+1 sweetener..i drink 4 cups of coffee a does worry me..although i am not diagnosed with diabetes. interesting post..=)

  2. Confession Nook, I think your sugar intake is too much! It really make sense to have your sugar level screened regularly. Remember, prevention is better than cure. Thanks for comment :)

  3. My mother has diabetes and my father controls her sugar levels (she is not very good at sticking to her low sugar diet)

  4. I have given up most sweets. I only have dessert on occasion now. Usually if we are out to a really nice dinner. Otherwise fruit at night.
