Why do you blog?

I blog for reasons. I blog because I believe that one day soon, I'll have something to tell big enough for everybody to notice. I blog simply because I know I can and one day the world might choose to follow me. I blog because some thing's going on in my life every second of the day and one might be worthy of being blogged. I blog because I wanted to tell others what I've learned in some aspects of my existence and I also wanted to learn from others through their comments.

How about you? Why do you blog?


  1. I blog to share a common thought with the world, a world that rejects what it dosen't see fit.

  2. Larks!


  3. Hi The Jules!

    Thanks for adding a conversation. At least now the word "larks" is not appropriate already. Thanks anyway ;-)

  4. I blog because I lost my job and now I sit around and capture stories that are floating around the cosmos, putting them out for all to read and comment on. www.mybasementbar.blogspot.com
