Here are more tips to help you cope up with financial crisis the world is into right now:
1. Make your own garden and plant more vegetables, fruits, tubers and spices. Select the types that are more resistant to insects and diseases. As much as possible, use organic fertilizer to save from buying expensive commercial fertilizer. Avoid using insecticides and pesticides, doing so will not only save you money but also save the environment or even yourself from the harmful affects of poisons.
2. Buy a good but cheap bicycle and ride on a bicycle to get to work. This will not only save you money but will also help you with your cardiovascular and physical health.
3. If you live in a tropical climate, wear short pants and light clothing. You save water this way because you'll perspire less and when washing such clothes you'll need less water.
4. Turn off your cell phones when you got to sleep. Make it a habit that when you are asleep all your gadgets that consumes electricity are turned off because even on standby mode they're still eating power.
5. Replace your lighting fixtures with energy saving ones. Those old conventional bulbs that rates up to a hundred watts are power hungry. 18 watts may just be enough to light up a small room. Compare the difference!
I know this list is yet incomplete. Do you have any tips too!
Related Post: Surviving the global financial crisis
1. Make your own garden and plant more vegetables, fruits, tubers and spices. Select the types that are more resistant to insects and diseases. As much as possible, use organic fertilizer to save from buying expensive commercial fertilizer. Avoid using insecticides and pesticides, doing so will not only save you money but also save the environment or even yourself from the harmful affects of poisons.
2. Buy a good but cheap bicycle and ride on a bicycle to get to work. This will not only save you money but will also help you with your cardiovascular and physical health.
3. If you live in a tropical climate, wear short pants and light clothing. You save water this way because you'll perspire less and when washing such clothes you'll need less water.
4. Turn off your cell phones when you got to sleep. Make it a habit that when you are asleep all your gadgets that consumes electricity are turned off because even on standby mode they're still eating power.
5. Replace your lighting fixtures with energy saving ones. Those old conventional bulbs that rates up to a hundred watts are power hungry. 18 watts may just be enough to light up a small room. Compare the difference!
I know this list is yet incomplete. Do you have any tips too!
Related Post: Surviving the global financial crisis
Great tips thanks